
The crystal pendalogues are one of the most recognizable prism shapes for chandeliers today. While pendalogues can take many shapes, they do all have similarities. The best way to hang a pendalogue is to have the flat side facing out and the cut side of the prism facing in, thus giving the light of the chandelier the best refraction qualities through the prism. Pendalogues go back hundreds of years, frequently are large, and are used to make a statement for your chandelier. has literally hundreds of sizes and shapes with one of the best inventories in the industry. Most designers use a top bead or two, to buffer the pendalogue from the chandelier fixture. Pendalogues come in sizes from 1" to over 10" in clear, colors, leaded and Swarovski/Strass.


Swarovski®  Pendalogues

Asfour® Crystal Pendalogues

Czech/Turkish Clear Pendalogues

Other Clear Pendalogues

Color Pendalogues

Rock Crystal Pendalogues